Dunea, the Netherlands

Climate-Smart Utility Case Story

Dunea, a utility situated in the west of the Netherlands, is committed to providing drinking water in harmony with nature and is taking steps to become a climate smart utility. However, its drinking water supply system and the dunes under their care are under threat due to climate change, population growth, emerging pollutants, and spatial developments in a densely populated region. To face these challenges, Dunea has developed a strategy centred on climate adaptation, mitigation, and leadership. This includes diversifying its drinking water supply portfolio to ensure a sustainable supply, shifting from its historic double source system (from the rivers Rhine and Meuse), which is increasingly impacted by climate change, to a multiple source system.  Dunea is focused on creating value for society from the core task of 24/7 drinking water supply and nature conservation by delivering positive impact through sustainable practices and partnerships with diverse stakeholders.


  • Drought and salinisation intensified by climate change
  • Deteriorating water quality of our drinking water sources due to contamination from agriculture, industry, and households, especially during low river flows
  • Increasing demand as a consequence of population growth and conflicts over scarce spatial resources in the Netherlands as more space is needed for new urban areas and the green energy transition


  • Exploration of alternative drinking water sources, such as brackish groundwater (the Freshman project)
  • Partnerships for clean water sources and robust systems (integrated urban water management)
  • Water-saving innovations and campaigns in households and industries (e.g., water scan)
  • Collaboration with several partners i.e. local companies and municipalities under the flag Nationaal Park Hollandse Duinen (Holland Dunes National Park)
  • Policies to promote circularity and nitrogen mitigation measures

Read the full story here. 

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