There are 89 blog results matching your term digital.

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89 media pages matching your search term 'digital'

October 21, 2021
Technological solutions and innovations are essential to secure a water-wise future. Water Tech Spotlight is a monthly blog which aims to highlight the latest technology developments in the water industry globally. Scroll down to ...
It is common for professionals in the water sector to face problems related to data collection, analysis and visualization, as there are a lot of different solutions offering the same results, while following a different approach ...
September 16, 2021
Satellites can provide a wide range of water quality measures such as temperature, light attenuation, oil slicks, organic matter, chlorophyll, turbidity, and benthic habitat type. Research and practical applications have evolved a...
August 10, 2021
Future City Flow was implemented to visualize and communicate the effects of measures undertaken and to identify target values as part of a 10 years plan, and how these could be effectively realized, within a reasonable timeframe ...
August 2, 2021
Future City Flow was implemented to visualize and communicate the effects of measures undertaken and to identify target values as part of a 10 years plan, and how these could be effectively realized, within a reasonable timeframe ...