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89 media pages matching your search term 'digital'

May 13, 2019
Photo: Jacob Amengor (second from left), after being awarded the 2018 IWA Young Water Professionals Award at the IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition in Tokyo, Japan. Integrated collaboration of multidisciplinary teams is fun...
Our grandparents focused their lives on making sure they had enough to live; our parents had the chance to start their lives with not much, and grow into a more and more comfortable life; we’re lucky to have been born to a comfo...
April 2, 2019
Municipal and industrial water treatment is poised to enter an era of significant change, with key regulatory updates on the horizon and cost pressures putting an increasingly tight squeeze on aging infrastructure and operating ex...
March 29, 2019
As countries across the world increasingly experience water scarcity, the ‘water-is-the-new-oil’ adage has come to the fore thousand times. So too has ‘data-is-the-new-oil’, this time to reflect the immense commercial valu...
March 1, 2019
Water managers and the myth of best practice Managing urban water challenges lies at the heart of a sustainable future and drives my work in the sector. As a coach, I talk to many managers and leaders grappling with difficult wate...