September 20, 2024 Water Policy and Regulation

Global Call to Action to Strengthen Water and Sanitation Regulatory Systems

As one of the core partners in a global collaborative effort, the International Water Association (IWA) is pleased to announce the plans for development and release a global Call to Action to strengthen regulatory systems covering water and sanitation around the world.

An initial consultation is now underway, following which a draft text of the Call to Action will be prepared and released. The final Call to Action is planned to be published on World Water Day 2025. The aim is for this to improve service delivery, enhance public health and promote social equity through coordinated efforts among governments, regulators, utilities and support agencies.

Since its inception, core partners including the World Health Organization and IWA have worked to shape this collaborative initiative. Further support was gained during the 2024 IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition in Toronto in August. Other core partners include UNICEF, ESAWAS – Eastern and Southern Africa Water and Sanitation Regulators’ Association, ADERASA – Associación de Entes Reguladores de Agua y Saneamiento de las Américas, and Aquafed.

Participating and providing input

Organisations can join as core partners, engaging deeply in the process, or as supporter organisations, which can participate in and promote the consultation process within their networks and endorse the final document upon its release. The process will include online group consultations, to be scheduled. Input is also being sought via a short survey online, which is open to all. The online survey is now open until 16 October. Please access the survey here.

Following the close of the initial consultation, the feedback received will be analysed and synthesised into an initial draft of the Call to Action. This draft will be circulated among core partners for further feedback before developing an advanced version. The advanced draft is then due to be presented at the WHO International Network of Drinking-water and Sanitation Regulators (RegNet) meeting in Amman, Jordan, scheduled for 26-28 November 2024, and at the FIAR (Ibero-American Regulation Forum) led by ADERASA. It will also be made available for public review through partner websites. The final Call to Action is planned to be officially published on World Water Day, 19 March 2025.

Post-launch activities will focus on disseminating the Call to Action and securing endorsements through partner networks, social media, press releases and participation in relevant events. There will also be ongoing efforts to monitor the adoption and impact of the Call to Action, including regular surveys, case studies and annual progress reports. Channels for feedback will remain open, allowing for periodic updates and revisions to ensure the Call to Action continues to address evolving needs in water and sanitation regulation.

For more background on the initiative, read here.

Also, watch the session held during the IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition here:

Strengthening Water and Sanitation Regulatory Systems: A Global Call to Action

For details on joining the initiative, contact Dr Isabela Espindola, Membership Engagement Senior Officer, at