10th IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Water New Zealand Conference & Exhibition

Local Organizer: Water New Zealand
  • #WaterNZ

In an innovative departure from business as usual, the International Water Association (IWA) is joining forces with Water New Zealand to create an event that combines IWA-ASPIRE 2025 with the annual Water New Zealand Conference and Expo. It will provide a meeting platform for international water and sanitation professionals and practitioners and New Zealand WASH professionals, scientists and experts around common themes.

Theme: Empowering Tomorrow – Smart Water Solutions for Resilient Communities

Empowering Tomorrow

  • Automation
  • Artificial intelligence
  • AR / VR and remote management
  • Machine learning
  • Digital transformation / digital twins
  • Utility leadership
  • Future workforce

Smart Water Solutions

  • Smart networks (source – customer –discharge)
  • Decarbonisation
  • Water reuse
  • Circular economy & Resource recovery
  • Customer engagement
  • Affordable outcomes
  • Rehabilitation over replacement
  • Successful innovation ecosystems


  • Extreme weather events
  • Seismic & volcanic activity
  • Climate adaptation
  • Remediation
  • Pollution control
  • Nature based solutions
  • Wastewater surveillance
  • Water Sanitation Safety Planning
  • Sustainability & SDGs
  • Emerging chemicals and microbes
  • Nanoplastics
  • Asset resilience


  • Indigenous peoples’ relationship with water
  • Te Mana o te Wai
  • Regulatory framework
  • Water stewardship & conservation
  • Farming & industry
  • Environmental outcome focussed
  • Post disaster community participation
  • Diversity, equity & inclusion


  • Empowering Tomorrow
  • Smart water solutions
  • Resilient
  • Communities

Programme Committee

Name Affiliation Country
Robert Bos
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre Netherlands
Joan Rose
Michigan State University United States Of America
Ed Beling
IAHR/IWA Joint Committee on Outfall Systems Australia
Ricardo Bello-Mendoza
University of Canterbury New Zealand
Hugh Blake-Manson
Waugh Infrastructure Management New Zealand
Indira Chakravarty
Institute of Public Health and National Cancer Institute India
Dan Deere
Water Futures Australia
Rob Fullerton
Beca New Zealand
Brent Gilpin
ESR New Zealand
Karina Gin
National University of Singapore Singapore
Jim Graham
Taumata Arowai New Zealand
Theuns F P Henning
University of Auckland New Zealand
Xia Huang
Tsinghua University China
Hiroyuki Katayama
University of Tokyo Japan
Jurg Keller
University of Queensland Australia
Masaaki Kitajima
Hokkaido University Japan
Saburo Matsui
Kyoto University Japan
Kate Medlicott
WHO Switzerland
Mark Milke
University of Canterbury New Zealand
Majid Mohammadian
University of Ottawa Canada
Jae-Woo Park
Hanyang University South Korea
Genandrialine L. Peralta
Independent Consultant Philippines
Daisuke Sano
Tohoku University Japan
Gary A. Toranzos
University of Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
Kobus van Zyl
University of Auckland New Zealand
Yu Zhang
Chinese Academy of Sciences China
Norhayati Abdullah
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Malaysia