Rita Noelle Moussa
Events and Communications - IWA YWP Steering Committee


Greetings! I am Rita-Noelle and I hold a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, and I bring a diverse set of expertise in wastewater treatment, renewable energy production, biotechnology, and eco-toxicology of pharmaceutical products. I am fully dedicated to supporting Clean Water
(SDG 6) and Climate Action (SDG 13).

🌊 As a person who has participated in 30+ national and international conferences about clean water,
water management, and climate action, I gained excellent technical skills in fields of wastewater treatment, pharmaceutical removal, dark fermentation, anaerobic digestion, eco-toxicology, and renewable energy production. I also grew my network
of like-minded people who are eager to put all their potential to engage youth in community support
and empowerment.

🌀 My professional experience to date proves that I have excellent research, laboratory, analysis, and
reporting expertise. In addition, my diverse social, volunteering, and community engagements in IWA, SFG, and the Energy Transition Society among others have provided me the opportunity to effectively contribute to facing the global climate crisis leading me to acquire well-rounded skills in
communication, problem-solving, organization, and public speaking.

🌍 My goal now is to capitalize on my knowledge and capabilities to improve the sustainable development of the water sector, provide clean water equally for everyone and explore the deeper relationship between water, energy, and food to support a smoother and cleaner transition into a circular economy approach.