October 30, 2023 DevelopmentGovernanceSanitation

Regulators and the Application of the Human Rights to Drinking Water and Sanitation in Latin America and the Caribbean

Drinking Water and Sanitation services regulators have great responsibility in the realization of the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation (HRWS). To what extent are HRWS being incorporated into the regulation of Drinking Water and Sanitation services in Latin America and the Caribbean? This publication seeks to identify trends in the region and good practices that help its full incorporation.

Co-authored by the Interamerican Development Bank & IWA.
English translation, 2023
Original version (Spanish), 2021

Download your copy here: publications.iadb.org/en/regulators-and-application-human-rights-drinking-water-and-sanitation-latin-america-and-caribbean

Isabela Espindola

Senior Officer (YWPs and Water Policy & Regulation) - Strategic Programmes & Membership Engagement
Dr Isabela Espindola is a Senior Officer at the International Water Association (IWA), where she leads the engagement of the Young Water Professionals (YWPs) Community and the Water Policy and Regulation agenda. She has over 10 years of experience in... Read full biography