May 17, 2021 Membership

IWA Annual Report 2019-2020

IWA 2019-2020: Vibrant and Evolving 

This past year is one which IWA can look back on and see excellent and important progress for our Association. There have certainly been positive developments in our sector – whose essential role has been further underlined by the Covid-19 pandemic. In these challenging times, we have also seen a fantastic response from members, who have been ever eager to find ways to commit their precious time to our Association.

With 2020 having marked the 20th anniversary under the IWA identity, this level of engagement demonstrates the compelling draw of our vision to creating a water-wise world. Towards the start of the pandemic, IWA established a Covid-19 taskforce focused on developing state-of-the-art science on the virus to protect public health. In this regard, the Association and its members worked in cooperation with similar international efforts.

Making the most of the new normal of online meetings, workshops, and conferences, we developed an impressive programme of webinars that drew in quality speakers and exceptional participation. We have sustained our commitment to deliver on implementing the IWA 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. This plan focuses our attention on the need to progress key aims and goals, such as the strong board-level commitment to champion diversity throughout the organisation.


Water underpins every aspect of human and environmental existence. The severe water challenges facing the world today require an unprecedented global response. IWA members and staff are situated in more than 140 countries worldwide, forming the large... Read full biography