Panel discussion: The digitization of water and impacts on utilities
What is digital water? What does it mean to different stakeholders? What are the benefits of digitisation for utilities, and where do they stand in the digitisation journey?
In this panel at the IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition, representatives from different disciplines critically look at the added value of digitisation.
From left to right, Will Sarni Founder and CEO, Water Foundry, LLC, USA (Moderator), Rebekah Eggers, Global Water Leader, WW IoT, Energy, Environment, & Utilities Business, IBM, Avishek Choudhury, Water Industry Advisor, Tata Consultancy, Patrick Decker, President & CEO, Xylem Inc., USA, Arlinda Ibrahimllari, Technical Director, Sanitation Department in UKKO Joint Stock Company, Albania, and Eveline Volke, Professor, Ghent University, Belgium.
Watch panel's keynote speaker: Rebekah Eggers, “From Drips and Drops to Bits and Bytes”: The digitization of water and impacts on utilities