ICT4WASH102: ICT for Water Service Providers


Target Audience

This highly interactive course is designed for working professionals.


This one-month pilot eLearning course will build the practical capacity of water service providers to design and implement appropriate technological solutions for providing reliable, safe, sustainable, and affordable water and sanitation services.

The course will convene experts and participants from utilities, government, regulators, civil society organizations, and private sector organizations to collaboratively discuss and learn how new information and communication technologies (ICTs) can be harnessed to reduce non-revenue water (NRW) and improve services provision, customer satisfaction, revenue collection, finances, and asset management.

Ranging from the basics of ICT (hardware, software and networks), to the advanced (Internet of Things (IoT), smart metering, mobile payments, GIS, etc.), participants will have a wide exposure to technologies already being used in the sector. Case studies will examine existing approaches (both which have succeeded and failed so that participants don’t ‘reinvent the wheel’), as well as cutting edge approaches to meter reading, fault/complaint reporting, job tracking, and customer and asset registration and mapping.

Learning Objectives

Course participants will engage with technology demos, practical exercises, tool simulations and more. Testing and using various mobile and web-based technologies (including Android-based apps, cloud-based databases, and geospatial technologies) will help participants develop a much deeper understanding of the technologies.

Participants will complete a final project (an implementation roadmap) on which they will receive feedback from guest experts, facilitators and fellow participants. At the end of the course, participants will take with them this roadmap and new professional partnerships to put their ideas into action.