Kambiri Cox March 20, 2019
PT WWCE 2018
Katharine Cross September 18, 2015
Whether it is natural climate variability or human activities – growing population, increasing urbanisation, changing land usage and economic development ...
Malini Gosh October 30, 2018
The invention of the “well” was a revolutionary breakthrough that has been frequently overlooked. This cradle of freshwater was the key to the growth and de...
Shona Jenkins June 28, 2017
If my academic and professional experience has taught me anything, it is that Noam Chomsky got it right when he said, “We have two choices. We can be pessimis...
Kambiri Cox March 20, 2019
Leaving No One Behind This year, the UN’s World Water Day on 22 March 2019 theme is “Leaving no one behind”, considering groups whose access to w...