Kambiri Cox March 20, 2019
Oliver Grievson February 13, 2020
It seems that everywhere you go in the Water Industry somebody is talking about Digital Transformation. 5 minutes ago, it was Water 4.0, and 10 minutes ago (it ...
Inge Wallage October 4, 2016
Last week, Communication Director Magazine, the magazine of my professional communications association, dropped through my letterbox. I opened it, flicked throu...
Rui Veras April 11, 2016
Arriving in Bangalore I was greeted by a warm sunny day and clear blue skies. It was a very different welcome from the smoky haze extending around Mumbai’s ma...
Kambiri Cox March 20, 2019
Leaving No One Behind This year, the UN’s World Water Day on 22 March 2019 theme is “Leaving no one behind”, considering groups whose access to w...