A solutions-finding workshop that uses a “food-water-energy nexus” approach to natural resource issues in the Amu Darya river basin in Central Asia. Film edited & produced by Augustin Chabrol.
Participants in the Nexus Dialogue Bangkok workshop identify infrastructure solutions to tackle water-food-energy challenges.
A full workshop report with basin solutions from the Bogota workshop can be found via this website: www.waternexussolutions.org
Find basin solutions now at http://www.waternexussolutions.org
This video, as part of the Nexus Interview Series, centres around the question “What does the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus mean to you?” Produced by Claire Warmenbol, IUCN. Filmed in France, October 2012.
This video, as part of the Nexus Interview Series, centres around the question “What solutions would you suggest for the Nexus challenge?” Produced by Claire Warmenbol, IUCN. Filmed in France, October 2012.
This video, as part of the Nexus Interview Series, centres around the question “What are the changes we could make to the management of water infrastructure to secure water-energy-food? What are the most important innova...