April 30, 2024
H2020-SPACE-2019 / Research and Innovation Action. Delivering Advanced Predictive Tools from Medium to Seasonal Range for Water Dependent Industries Exploiting the Cross-Cutting Potential of EO and Hydro-Ecological Modelling This ...
February 2, 2024
Wetlands, as vital transition zones between land and water, are indispensable for maintaining biodiversity, ecological balance, and numerous ecosystem services. In the face of a changing climate and rapid environmental transformat...
January 30, 2024
Over the past 50 years, Constructed Wetlands, also known as Treatment Wetlands, have emerged as champions in treating domestic and industrial wastewaters, stormwater overflows, and waste sludge. In this blog, we explore the evolut...
As the world gears up for World Wetlands Day on 2 February, let's delve into the story of treatment wetlands and their profound influence on human wellbeing. Originating in the visionary work of wetland scientist Käthe Seidel in ...
November 20, 2023
The IWA Health-Related Water Microbiology Specialist Group, the Austrian Interuniversity Cooperation Centre for Water and Health, and the Global Water Pathogens Project are excited to announce a global survey focusing on the u...
Women and water and strongly intertwined in rural communities. The empowerment of women, of new and local voices, and of new ideas, has immense potential to improve how water systems in small, rural, or developing settings are man...
December 6, 2022
I believe that without doubt we can all agree that 2022 has been an extremely positive year for groundwater for many reasons. This year, UN Water launched a dedicated campaign to raise awareness of groundwater, which is a vital re...
March 17, 2022
Danes get nearly 100 percent of their drinking water from groundwater. The high-quality drinking water coming out of taps across Denmark is a result of a long and extensive tradition for groundwater protection and a dedicated wate...
March 3, 2022
Groundwater resources globally provide about 50% of all drinking water, about 40% of water used for irrigated agriculture, and about 30% of the water supply required for industry, as well as sustaining aquatic ecosystems, maintain...
February 9, 2022
This year is set to be another important year of progress for IWA’s Digital Water Programme, with last year’s success of IWA’s 1st Digital World Water Congress from 24 May to 4 June 2021 illustrating well that digital techno...