Rainwater harvesting and management is nothing new. In fact, this technique has been used for thousands of years in many parts of the globe to capture and store rainwater in the pores of soil or for human use. Growing water scarci...
Balneário Camboriú is both a famous Brazilian beach destination and a water supply management puzzle. The population of the city is just 170,000 year-round but swells to over 800,000 during the summer high season. Like many wate...
March 7, 2017
Energy costs for water utilities are large, and growing Energy is a significant cost for many water utilities, and costs are growing as more energy-intensive forms of water supply, including desalination, are being used. Energy is...
January 11, 2017
The journey of our water from source to tap is long, and not one we think much about. For most of us, our water starts high in the mountains, hundreds of miles away. From there, water flows across natural and working lands until a...
January 11, 2017
The water sector finds itself facing unprecedented challenges. The World Economic Forum has placed water at the top of its global risks register, and few countries and communities will be left unaffected by the major drivers impac...
December 2, 2016
I recently worked on developing the Dakar City Water Story as part of the IWA’s Cities of the Future Programme. Learning about Dakar’s well-established urban water governance and innovative projects that attract delegations fr...
November 28, 2016
The water sector faces many challenges. None is greater, or with greater potential for impact, than achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6, on water and sanitation. This includes targets to ensure universal, equitable and sustai...
November 14, 2016
Rapid urbanisation is one of the greatest demographic shifts humanity has ever experienced, with the biggest impacts being felt by cities in developing and emerging economies. The unprecedented speed of change is creating enormous...
October 13, 2016
As the ideas for tackling water shortages dwindle, governments are being encouraged to seek advice from young people to catalyse new thinking in management approaches and research areas. The Austrian Ministry of Environment and Wa...
October 12, 2016
Two years ago, humanity passed a critical threshold. For the first time in human history more people lived in cities and urban areas than in rural areas. That trend is accelerating, and by 2050 roughly 6.4 billion people will live...