During the IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition (Lisbon, 21 -26 September), over 5000 of the world’s leading water professionals from over 90 countries will meet to debate and plan for the future of water management. The Ha...
A full workshop report with basin solutions from the Bogota workshop can be found via this website: www.waternexussolutions.org
Synthesis Report from the 2013 IWA Development Congress & Exhibition in Nairobi, Kenya.
Find basin solutions now at http://www.waternexussolutions.org
This video, as part of the Nexus Interview Series, centres around the question “What does the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus mean to you?” Produced by Claire Warmenbol, IUCN. Filmed in France, October 2012.
This video, as part of the Nexus Interview Series, centres around the question “What solutions would you suggest for the Nexus challenge?” Produced by Claire Warmenbol, IUCN. Filmed in France, October 2012.
This video, as part of the Nexus Interview Series, centres around the question “What are the changes we could make to the management of water infrastructure to secure water-energy-food? What are the most important innova...
Step-by-step risk management for drinking-water suppliers “The most effective means of consistently ensuring the safety of a drinking-water supply is through the use of a comprehensive risk assessment and risk management approach that encompasses all steps in water supply from catchment to consumer. In these Guidelines, such approaches are called water safety plans (WSPs)”. These words open C...