July 29, 2015
Information on Water21 Water 21 published its final edition in June 2015. It will be replaced by a re-branded and re-launched magazine, available across multiple digital and print platforms, in the Autumn of 2015. This change reco...
May 27, 2015
Driven by environmental, economic, and ecological benefits, resource recovery from waste has started to draw attention worldwide. Recovering resources from water and wastewater can provide an alternative and economically viable so...
May 26, 2015
The top ten project owners and top ten contractors will be important players together with regulators and other governmental players of the region. Disseminating information on technology and solutions will be key to ensure resili...
May 15, 2015
Recognising sustained outstanding contribution to the profession, IWA Fellows are nominated for their significant contributions as an engineer, educator, utility manager, regulator, researcher, engineer, scientist, or as a technic...
April 24, 2015
During the Governing Assembly in Lisbon (September 2014), the latest IWA Strategic Plan 2014-2018 was formally endorsed. Pivotal in developing this plan was the Strategic Council, a representative body of the Association that pr...
April 13, 2015
A world where water is wisely managed and the right solutions to create a sustainable water future are implemented, could be within our reach. Today government ministers attending the Ministerial Conference of the 7th World Water ...
The Lisbon Charter is an international framework of good practice for public policy and regulation in drinking water supply, sanitation and wastewater management services. It contains clear references to the rights and responsibilities of the various stakeholders and users. It offers a vision and a practical platform for reforming water management for sustainable development. Through five key prin...
April 9, 2015
International Water Association calls for greater collaboration between governments and industry professionals to capitalise on 2015’s year of opportunity to secure the World’s water future Seoul, 09.04.15 – Government m...
March 16, 2015
The Amu Darya River Basin in Central Asia offers almost paradigmatic food-water-energy nexus dilemmas. The glacier fed Amu Darya River is crucial to the livelihoods of the approximately 50 million people who live in its basin acro...
This document aims to support the development and implementation of customized WSP auditing schemes by setting out the most important considerations and requirements, including: • audit objectives • audit methodology • audit scope and depth of investigation • audit timing and frequency • auditor qualifcations • auditor training and certifcation • establishing audit criteria • evalu...