Science to Policy: from Earth Observation to legislation

International Water Association Earth Observation for water management

Target Audience

Practitioners, academics and researchers, utilities, students, engineers, policymakers


This webinar was organised by the Earth Observation (EO) for Water Management Community of Practice, a subgroup of the IWA Digital Water Programme.  

The digital transformation of the water sector is well underway and making great strides in the topic of smart water management. However, there are still niche areas in digitalisation which need to be spotlighted. Within the Earth Observation (EO) community, practitioners have noticed the general hesitancy of policymakers to include the application of EO services in water resources and quality management. With an abundance of sound research and reliable predictions being made, the translation of EO science into policy can and should be embraced more.  

 In this webinar, participants had the opportunity to hear from experts on sectoral views of the science-to-policy interface, successful integration stories, and more.

Download the master presentation here.

Learning Objectives

Following this session, participants can:

  • Identify the main barriers hindering the translation of science into policy
  • Understand the basics of the science to policy interface
  • Identify factors of successful science to policy translation cases



International Water Association


  • Eunice Ubomba-Jaswa Research Manager: Water Resources Quality, Water Research Commission, South Africa
  • Mark Matthews Founder & CEO, CyanoLakes Australia
  • Alexandra Bell Research Associate at The Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg, Germany
  • Torsten Bondo Business Development Manager, DHI, Denmark