September 20, 2024 EuropeYoung Water Professionals

New IWA Young Water Professionals Chapter in Switzerland

As part of IWA’s mission to empower Young Water Professionals to contribute to sustainable water management, a new IWA Young Water Professionals (IWA YWP) chapter was officially established in Switzerland in July 2024. This IWA YWP chapter will be the country’s go-to network boosting connections for YWPs and a platform to support equal opportunities and quality career development. As a voluntary network, the Switzerland chapter is open to all water professionals aged 35 or below who are enthusiastic, dedicated, and passionate about water-related issues. Here, Ruizhe Pei, Chair of IWA YWP Switzerland Chapter, presents some key points about the chapter. 

Q: What was the motivation for setting up an IWA YWP Chapter in Switzerland? 

It all began with my positive experience at the IWA BeNeLux YWP Conference, where the relaxed atmosphere fostered meaningful connections with fellow YWPs. Upon moving to Switzerland, I found that there was no YWP chapter and was inspired to start one. Along this journey, I met Natalia and Yaochun, who also valued the importance of “connection” for both professional growth and global impact. Together, we recognised that challenges like water and climate issues transcend local boundaries. By connecting with professionals from various regions—from the Global North to the Global South—we aim to foster communication to exchange knowledge and best practices in the water sector and further address these global challenges collectively. This shared vision led us to begin establishing the IWA YWP Switzerland Chapter. 

Q: How will the chapter contribute to the empowerment of YWPs to contribute to the national water agenda of Switzerland? 

The IWA YWP Switzerland Chapter will empower young water professionals by fostering collaboration between academia, engineering, and policy sectors, encouraging YWPs to participate in decision-making processes related to the national water agenda. Switzerland is a leader in innovative water technology and environmental protection, and the chapter will help bridge the gap between research and practical application. By engaging YWPs in projects such as the development of new wastewater treatment plants and connecting them with global perspectives through international collaboration, the chapter will enable YWPs to contribute effectively to the country’s water management and sustainability efforts. 

Q: What are your aims and objectives for your chapter, and what activities do you plan to do? 

Our aim is to grow the YWP Switzerland network, expanding from our initial group to the broader Swiss water community and ultimately connecting with the global water community. Through these connections, we seek to empower YWPs, amplify our voices, and contribute to solving complex water challenges. Our activities will begin with online initiatives, including webinars focused on innovative technologies, policies, and industrial practices. We also plan to conduct interviews with YWPs from various sectors to discuss career perspectives. Additionally, we will collaborate with organisations such as VSA and the Swiss Water Partnership to host in-person meetups. Looking ahead, we aim to organise an IWA YWP Switzerland symposium soon. 

Meet the founding committee of the IWA YWP Switzerland Chapter 

Ruizhe Pei is the Chair of the IWA Young Water Professionals Switzerland Chapter and a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Vienna. His research focuses on using microbial ecology to enhance wastewater treatment processes and develop next-generation treatment plants with improved circularity. With a background in environmental engineering, he has experience in both fundamental and applied research, collaborating with public agencies and private technology providers. His expertise in bioprocess design, resource recovery, and microbial ecology helps bridge research with societal challenges. 

Yaochun Yu is the vice-chair of IWA Young Water Professionals Switzerland Chapter and a postdoctoral scientist working at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag). His research focuses on water quality under changing climate conditions, with a particular interest in the interactions between natural and engineered ecosystems in response to climate change and human activities.  Yaochun’s work primarily investigates the biotransformation of emerging contaminants by environmental microorganisms. 

Natalia Rodilla is the secretary of IWA Young Professionals Switzerland Chapter and a doctoral student at the EPFL. Her research focuses on the metabolism of bacteria responsible for biological phosphorus removal from wastewater and how they respond to process conditions. She has a background in microbiology and biochemistry and joined the chapter to feed her curiosity about state-of-the-art water infrastructure. 


If you have questions regarding the IWA YWP Community, please, contact Isabela Espindola, IWA Membership Engagement Senior Officer.

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