July 31, 2023 GovernanceMembership

Nominations open for IWA Fellows and Distinguished Fellows Steering Committee (2024-2027)

IWA is glad to open the Call for Nominations for the IWA Fellows and Distinguished Fellows Steering Committee for the term 2024-2027.

The Steering Committee represents the IWA Fellows and Distinguished Fellows community. It reports to the relevant Board standing committee – IWA’s Governance and Nominations Committee (GNC) – which submits its considerations to the Board for decision and is supported by the IWA Secretariat.

The purpose of the Steering Committee is to manage the IWA Fellows and Distinguished Fellows recognition programme and community in achieving its intended objectives and full potential.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Steering Committee can be found here (PART THREE: Governance of Fellows).

The Steering Committee is composed of six Fellows and two Distinguished Fellows, generally representing the diversity in experience, gender, type of affiliated organization, and geography, etc., of the Fellow membership. The committee is led by two Co-Chairs representing Fellows and Distinguished Fellows respectively. The Co-Chairs shall serve for a term of four (4) years on a calendar basis.



To be eligible, candidates must adhere to the following criteria:

  • Be an IWA Fellow or Distinguished Fellow.
  • Have an active IWA membership for past 5 or 10 years respectively.
  • Demonstrated leadership in one of IWA’s communities in the past 5 years.
  • Demonstrate motivation and time commitment, i.e., a willingness and ability to commit time to the role.

IWA Fellows and Distinguished Fellows can self-nominate themselves under opened positions as determined by the Fellows Nominations Committee (this will ensure certain constituencies and regional balance, etc.).

What is needed for the nomination?

The process of election of the new Steering Committee will run from July 2023 to November 2023. Newly appointed Steering Committee members will start their term from January 2024.